30 Incredible Snake Tattoos

Thesssssse are great.

Snake Tattoos

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When it comes to animals, few that are quite as divisive as the snake.

The muscular, legless creature evokes a sense of power, wonder, and sometimes, disgust. And, since the creature is such a powerful symbol in various mythologies and theologies, I wanted to take a moment to share some of my favorite snake tattoos with you.

What Is the Meaning of a Snake Tattoo?

Depending on the snake tattoo, it can mean healing, the cycle of life, royalty, divine authority, or power and protection.

Throughout history, the snake has popped up in various important texts. In the Bible, the devil disguises himself as a snake to tempt Eve in the garden of good and evil. In Greek mythology, the powerful Gorgon Medusa has snakes for hair and Hermes (Mercury) has two that wind around his caduceus.

And, in Ancient Egypt, the snake (often depicted as a cobra) was used by the pharaohs as a symbol of protection as well as a representation of their royalty and divine authority.

During this time the symbol of the ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail, also appeared, within the Egyptian funeral text Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld (it’s here if you want your own copy). The ouroboros represents the cycle of birth and death, and the cyclical nature of all things.

Snake Tattoos - Ouroboros
It has been carried forward into the Book of Kells, the Bible, and other important theological texts and is still considered an important symbol in some magical circles today.

Whether your connection with snakes and serpents is connected to its historical meanings or you just really love the creature, here are some snake tattoos to inspire your own ink.

30 Incredible Snake Tattoos

1. Neverending Story Snake Tattoo

These light and dark snakes are their own ouroboros and represent the Auryn necklace worn by Atreyu and the Childlike Empress in the Neverending Story. Ink by John Lewis.

Neverending Story Snake Tattoo Amulet

2. Norse Tattoo Ouroboros

This black-and-grey snake tattoo features a serpent encircling the Viking compass. Tattoo by Juan Molinar.
Snake Tattoos - Runes

3. Green Python Tattoo

This emerald green snake tattoo looks like scanning the horizon for lunch. Ink by Tom Bullets.
Snake Tattoos - Python

4. Snake Head Tattoo

Violeta Diaz‘s heart-shaped snake head tattoo might have you wanting to learn parseltongue.
Snake Tattoos - heart

5. Geometric Snake Tattoo

Why just get a ouroboros tattoo when you can get one reminiscent of the Tree of Life and the Two of Pentacles from the Thoth tarot deck. Work by Isis Gyor.

Figure Eight Snake Tattoo Ouroboros

6. Galaxy Snake Tattoo

This purple, blue, and green serpent by Joanne Baker is easily one of the prettiest snake tattoos I’ve seen.
Snake Tattoos - galaxy stars

7. Serpents and Antlers

In this black and grey piece, a snake winds itself around some deer antlers to find its own tail. Work by Arang Eleven.

Snake and Skull Tattoo

8. Snake and Moon Tattoo

This delicate fine line piece by Por Becca Luz of Sarita Tattoos features a cobra and a crescent moon.
Snake Tattoos - moon

9. Black and Red Cobra Tattoo

This is probably not what you want to find the next time you go to smell a flower. It clearly wasn’t what the snake wanted either. Also, what happened to the rest of his tail? So many questions.

Cobra Snake with Red Flowers

10. Hogwarts Snake Tattoo

This series of colorful snake tattoos by 369 Ink Studios features Hogwarts, swords, shields, and crystals. What, no partridge in a pear tree?

Fantasy Snakes Tattoos

11. Python Tattoo

Don’t worry, they don’t bite. Much. Tattoo by Jurgis Mikalausskas.

Green Python Snake Tattoo

12. Angry Snake Tattoo

This is really just a photo of me if I skip lunch. Tattoo by Taylor Estrella.
Snake Tattoos - black and grey

13. Intricate Snakes

This pair of colorful serpents feels almost dreamlike. Or like they got lost in my sock drawer. Snake tattoos by PittaKKM.

Two Snakes Tattoo Design

14. Girl and Snake Tattoo

Alessandro Micci’s intense 80s-inspired ink of a woman holding a snake gives me both come hinter and go away vibes.
Snake Tattoos - woman

15. Snake Hand Tattoo

When flipping the bird just won’t cut it. Work by Saskia Patrice.

Snake Hand Tattoo

16. Old School Snake

Daniel Ra‘s old school tattoo work is awesome. This fanged red and black snake is no exception.Snake Tattoos - red and black

17. 3D Snake Tattoo

I’m really regretting misplacing my 3D glasses right now. Ink by Mirko Sata.

3D Serpent Tattoo

18. Cartoon Snake

I can’t decide if this two-headed purple serpent tattoo by Megan Kennedy reminds me more of Q-Bert or Super Mario 2. Either way, I am going to spend the next two hours hooking up my old NES.

Two Headed Cartoon Snake Tattoo

19. Cobra Tattoo

Valerie‘s simple cobra forearm tattoo is elegant and striking.

Forearm Snake Tattoo

20. Medusa Tattoo

When it comes to maligned characters, Medusa is near the top. At least the gorgon’s beauty has been captured wonderfully in this tattoo by JUDITSABÉ.

Medusa Snake Tattoo

21. Snake and Flower Tattoo

I’m starting to get the impression I should look more at the flowers before I smell them. Tattoo by Valeria April.

Cobra Snake Tattoo

22. Iridescent Snake and Flower Tattoo

This iridescent snake has carefully hid itself in a pile of flowers. Probably not the best place for a nap. Ink done at Kleine Freiheit Tattoo.

Snake Tattoo with Flowers

23. Water Snake

This pretty snake tattoo by VISM Studio reminds me of a water or ice dragon.

Blue Snake Tattoo

24. Red Snake with Skull Tattoo

When you want to come off as really approachable, this is the serpent tattoo by Dominic Mailhot aka Doom Tattoo is for you. Also, it’s opposite day.

Skull with Red Snake Tattoo

25. Valentine Snake with Hearts

Though this simply adorable snake tattoo by Marqui Watling might actually work.

Cute Pink and Red Heart Snake Ink

26. Witchy Snake Tattoo with Stars

What is that, lilac? Ink by Brooke Borden.

Witchy Snake Tattoo with Stars

27. Blue Snake

This somehow shiny tattoo is also by 369 Tattoo.

Blue Snake Tattoo

28. Blue and Gold Snake

We’re so beyond impressed with this snake tattoo by Yeriel.

Blue and Gold Snake Tattoo

29. Rainbow Snakes

These cute little iridescent snake tattoos are enjoying some time in the sun. Provided the owner isn’t working through their lunch break again. Work by Britt Tigera, owner of Quill and Dagger.

Snakes and Plants Tattoo

30. Medusa Tattoo

Meet the fiercest Medusa tattoo we’ve seen yet. Ink by Jose Baena.

Medusa Snake Tattoo